Thursday, November 16, 2023

A date with Judy

A date with Judy was firstly served as replacement for Bob Hope's show, It was teenage sitcom that aired on NBC and ABC from 1941 to 1950. The story was about the life of teenager named Judy Foster, played by actresses Ann Gillis (1941), Dennie Ellis (1942), and Louis Erickson (1943-1950). The show also had different sponsors at different periods, which include Bristol Myers, Tums, Ford Motors, and Revere Cameras.
At first, the show was played every summer, from June to September. However, since the audience, particularly the teens, could very much relate to Judy's problems at school, with her parents, and love life, the show grew very popular. As a result, in 1944, it started to be heard all-year round, and lasted for seven more years, with the final episode broadcast on May 25, 1950.
A Date with Judy was also adapted for the big screen on 1948 starring Jane Powell for the lead role, along with Elizabeth Taylor, Robert Stack, Carmen Miranda, and Wallace Beery as her co-stars. A comic book adaptation was also released by the National Periodical Publications.

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William Spier

William  Spier was editor, producer, director. A lifelong radio man, he had broken in during the primitive days of 1929 and earned his strip...