Friday, February 2, 2024

George Burns

George Burns was born on January 20, 1896 in New York City.

He began in vaudeville, a minor theater genre that was very successful in the 1920s and 1930s in the United States.

He formed, together with his future wife Gracie Allen, one of the best-known comedy duos in the United States, moving from theater to film in the 1930s. They also had a radio show and their own television series in the fifties.

When Gracie died in 1964, Burns continued his solo career with a number of films.
In 1975, he was awarded the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his excellent role in The Nutty Couple, based on a play by Neil Simon, alongside Walter Matthau. He also participated in some radio shows like Blondie.

He was married to Gracie Allen from 1926 to 1964, and was the father of Ronnie and Sandra Burns.

George Burns died in Beverly Hills on March 9, 1996.

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William Spier

William  Spier was editor, producer, director. A lifelong radio man, he had broken in during the primitive days of 1929 and earned his strip...