Jerry of the Circus is a wonderfully
heartwarming and delightful children's series syndicated in 1937. The
show is fifteen minutes in length and follows the adventures of Jerry
Dugan and his dog, Rags. Jerry and Rags join Sam Randall's Circus after
the death of his family.
It was presented in 130 15-minute episodes of which 128 are in existence
today. The series followed the adventures of Jerry Dougan and his dog
Rags with the Randall Brothers Circus from the time of his father's death in the spring to the end of that year's performance season.
In the premier episode, Jerry brings a note to Sam from his father
saying that Jimmy "has the circus in his blood." Which is how Jerry and
his dog, Rags become members of circus.
The characters are:
The characters are:
Jerry Dugan - orphan who joins the Randall Brothers Circus when his father dies.
Rags - Jerry's dog.
Mr. Randall - owner of the Randall Brothers Circus.
Bumps - the clown Jerry bunks with; recruits Jerry's dog Rags for his act.
Patsy - the trapeze artist of the circus.
Jason - the large cat trainer.
Carmen Bandini - tightrope walker who leaves the circus for Hollywood.
Major Mike - the little person who regards himself as the star attraction on the midway.
Decker/Dan Dougan - the kindly circus performer who turns out to be Jerry's big-game hunter uncle suffering from amnesia.
Lorenz - the knife-throwing performer who controls Decker through bribery.
Clara - the costumer.
Johnny Bradley - Shakespearean clown.
Jerry has a note from his father that he "has circus in his blood".
Jerry is taken in by Mr. Randall, owner of the Randall Bros Circus. He
rooms with Bumps the Clown who soon uses Rags in his act, and Jerry
eventually finds his way into the ring as well. He becomes good friends
with many of the Circus people, and eventually finds that Decker, the
animal trainer, is in fact his long lost uncle, Big Game hunter Dan
Dougan. Dan will return to hunting, where there is no place for a young
boy, so Jerry's guardianship is formally transferred to Mr. Randall.
Circus owner, Sam Randall decides the best thing for Jerry will be to
attend an Military Academy which leads to further adventure: Jerry at Fair Oaks.
Syndicated by Bruce Eells, Jerry of the Circus made its mark in
the golden age of radio as one of the most imaginative and delightful
old time radio series geared towards the younger generation.
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